
This package comes with two built-in coordinate transformations, Multply and PowerLawAge. Users can define custom coordinate transformations by following the structure of these class definitions.


class mastercurves.transforms.multiply.Multiply(bounds=(0.01, 1), scale='log', prior='uniform')

Class definition for a multiplicative shift.


bounds (tuple[float]): the bounds for the shift factor

default (float): default value of the shift factor (1)

prior (p, lam -> float): the prior distribution over the shift factor. Either Gaussian or uniform.

scale (string): coordinate scale, either log or linear

shared (bool): False, since the shift factors are not shared between states

type (string): Multiply

__init__(bounds=(0.01, 1), scale='log', prior='uniform')

Initialize the Multiply object.


bounds (tuple[float]): the upper and lower bounds for the shift factors. Defaults to (1E-2,1).

scale (string): either “log” for a shift in the logarithm of a variable or “linear” for the shift in the variable. Defaults to “log”.

prior (string): either “uniform” for a uniform prior over the shift factors or “Gaussian” for a Gaussian prior. Defaults to “uniform”.

backward(param, state, data)

Run a forward shift on the data (from the reference state to the current state).


param (float): value of the shift factor for this state

state (float): value of the state parameter for this data set

data (array_like): coordinates to be shifted


transformed (array_like): the transformed coordinates

forward(param, state, data)

Run a forward shift on the data (from the current state to the reference state).


param (float): value of the shift factor for this state

state (float): value of the state parameter for this data set

data (array_like): coordinates to be shifted


transformed (array_like): the transformed coordinates


class mastercurves.transforms.powerlawage.PowerLawAge(tref, scale='log')

Class definition for a power law aging shift.


bounds (tuple[float]): the bounds for the aging exponent

default (float): default value for the aging exponent (1.1)

param (string): name of the aging exponent (“mu”)

prior (p, lam -> float): the prior distribution over the aging exponent. Only a uniform prior currently supported.

scale (string): coordinate scale, either log or linear

shared (bool): attr:True, since the aging exponent is state-independent

tref (float): the reference time

type (string): PowerLawAge

__init__(tref, scale='log')

Initialize the PowerLawAge object.


tref (float): the reference time

scale (string): the scale of the time axis (“log” or “linear”). Defaults to “log”

backward(param, state, data)

Run a backward shift of the data (from effective time to real time).


param (float): value of the aging exponent “mu”

state (float): value of the state parameter (the wait time)

data (:attr:’array_like`): the effective coordinate (either xi or log(xi))


transformed (array_like): the transformed real time coordinate (either t or log(t))

forward(param, state, data)

Run a forward shift of the data (from real time to effective time).


param (float): value of the aging exponent “mu”

state (float): value of the state parameter (the wait time)

data (:attr:’array_like`): the time coordinate (either t or log(t))


transformed (array_like): the transformed effective time coordinate (either xi or log(xi))