Tutorial: Adjusting the Gaussian Process Kernel

This tutorial will outline the steps for changing the covariance kernel used in the Gaussian process fits to data, and for changing bounds on the kernel hyperparameters. We’ll use the previous tutorial on the diffusion equation as a base, and make a few modifications to show how to change the kernel.

Changing the Gaussian Process Kernel

mastercurves provides a method, mastercurves.MasterCurve.set_gp_kernel, which allows the user to manually adjust the Gaussian process kernel if they believe that the default kernel is insufficient for a particular data set. The first step in changing the kernel is to import the desired kernels from scikit-learn. See the documentation for scikit-learn for a list of supported kernels.

Here, we’ll consider a simple modification to the previous tutorial, where we change the RationalQuadratic component of the kernel to an RBF. We’ll need to import the RBF, ConstantKernel, and WhiteKernel kernels:

from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF, WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel

We can now define our new composite kernel:

kernel = (RBF() * ConstantKernel() + ConstantKernel() + WhiteKernel())

To implement this kernel, we just need to add one line setting the kernel before we call superpose:


We can see below that the results are not substantially affected by the change in kernel. This is a good sign, as the master curve should be determined by the data, rather than the interpolant selected for the data. The default kernel has been selected to provide flexibility so that many different shapes are well represented by the Gaussian process models.


Changing the Hyperparameter Bounds

The mastercurves package uses the default bounds from scikit-learn on the hyperparameters for each kernel function. However, you may run into warnings when superposing your data, like the following (from this issue in the package repository):

ConvergenceWarning: The optimal value found for dimension 0 of parameter k1__k1__k1__k1__alpha is close to the specified upper bound 100000.0. Increasing the bound and calling fit again may find a better value.

An issue like this one may arise from data varies across many orders of magnitude, or has sharp kinks. The scikit-learn package is warning-heavy, and results are not typically adversely affected by these types of warnings. However, if you see this warning and suboptimal performance of the package, you can address the warning by defining a kernel with custom bounds.

The process for changing hyperparameter bounds is similar to that for changing the kernel itself. First, import all relevant kernels from scikit-learn to redefine the kernel. If you’d like to change the bounds on the default kernel, you should import the following:

from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RationalQuadratic, WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel

Next, define the kernel function, and pass custom bounds to any of the constituent kernels that you’d like. To address the above warning, we have to change the bounds for the alpha hyperparameter, which belongs to the RationalQuadratic kernel:

kernel = (RationalQuadratic(alpha_bounds=(1E-5,1E6)) * ConstantKernel() + ConstantKernel() + WhiteKernel())

See the documentation for scikit-learn to learn more about the hyperparameters associated with each kernel. Note that you may also change the default value for each hyperparameter in a similar manner.

Once the kernel is defined, the steps to adding it to a MasterCurve and superposing the data are the same as before:
